
Scanning/Focusing Evidence Documentation November 2020

Staff were put into groups that had 1 Intermediate Teacher, 1 Primary Teacher, 1 Learning Resource Teacher, and 1 Educational Assistant.  In these break our groups they  looked at all responses for our student survey that was collated in a shared excel spreadsheet. They the followed these steps;

  • Chose a person to navigate the recording sheet, excel sheet and to document your work (on screen share)
  • Download the working document and the master excel sheet from the portal post
  • Cooperatively select a question you want to look at the evidence for.  *Use your interviews to support this decision
  • Keep in mind:  What will make the biggest difference?  
  • Read through the evidence together.
  • Using information from the scan, identify a common area/theme that emerges for your team to work on.
  • Move your evidence onto the recording page.  Be selective - you don’t need to include all the quotes support your inquiry.  
  • Keep in mind:  What will have the biggest impact?
  • Summarize your discussion and rationale
  • Select a person to share out once we return.

THe staff worked with thousands of studetnd responses.  They focused in using this log sheet to organize a capture their work.

*See completed recording sheets below.


During their working sessions Ms. Ludwig also documented some of their conversations:

Group 5 - We noticed:

Our scanning Quesiton is:  

What do you need to learn and thrive at school?
What do you need at school to keep your heart happy?
  • School supplies… TL Learners… it came up a lot - a need to feel a sense of belonging.
  • Kids needing a better understanding as learners.
  • The learner piece - what kind of learn am I?  Intelligences? 
  • Understand themselves a bit more as a LEARNER.  What are my needs as a learner.
  • Advocate for themselves.
  • How do learn best?   Give them examples…

Group 4 - Scan evidence share

Our scanning Quesiton is:  

What are some helpful strategies you have to cope with difficult emotions (sadness, anger, disappointment, fear, etc.)?
What helps your mind, body and heart feel calm when you have big feelings?
How do you help yourself get into the GREEN ZONE if you are in the BLUE or RED ZONE?

  • Our learners need help to get into green zone
  • Intermediate students seemed to have strategies that they could name.
  • But can they put them into action?  We do not have evidence for that.
  • Whereas, primary students could not seem to name strategies.  More friends and teachers as supports.
  • We wonder what is happening with our kids at home?


Group 1&3 - Scan evidence share

Our scanning Quesiton is:  

What do you need to learn and thrive at school?
What do you need at school to keep your heart happy?
  • Self compassion piece - modelling, teaching - need more of.  They are har on themselves.
  • How to deal with daily life is a struggle
  • Reading seems to be a coping strategy 
  • Play is needed for coping and development
  • Math - seems to be a link for success. Why is this a marker?
  • Unstructured time

Group 2 - Scan evidence share

Our scanning Quesiton is:  

What are some helpful strategies you have to cope with difficult emotions (sadness, anger, disappointment, fear, etc.)?
What helps your mind, body and heart feel calm when you have big feelings?
How do you help yourself get into the GREEN ZONE if you are in the BLUE or RED ZONE?

  • What do we do as a community to have strategies in place?
    Looking at collective routines….ie exercise… stop drop and read
  • Unstructured  play time
  • Soft starts…this was named
  • Academics - mastery and independence - a link to coping
  • What can we do as a community together?  Not just in classrooms.
Updated: Tuesday, November 30, 2021