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Staff Book Club and REDI Committee

As the educators and adult leaders in the building, our teachers knew that work needed to be done around exploring identity, and how understanding ourselves contributes to a sense of belonging. 


With support from our school district, Blair teachers embarked on a journey through the "Wayi Wah!" book club! The intention of this club was to: collaboratively and independently approach reconciliation in ways that are meaningful to us personally and as a learning community. We were invited to engage in the learning and practice with our "paddles up in the air  (Louie, 2023);" come in peace and with open ears and hearts. 


Our staff formed a Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee as a way to facilitate discussion around how the Blair community could support representation and self-identity within our community.  We were asking: how can we recognize diverse religious and cultural celebrations in an appropriate way?  How can one's identity and sense of self be supported through representation of culture?  How can we bring in voices from the margins rather than continue with a dominant centred voice?  Our discussions helped guide us in terms of what we celebrated, and when and how we recognized cultural and religious celebrations. 


Our work continues as we move towards a more inclusive and equitable community without centering the dominant voice.

Updated: Tuesday, July 9, 2024